Is Chiropractic Safe for the Elderly?
We have offered our unique brand of chiropractic in Selkirk. Over the years we have helped thousand of patients return to pain free lifestyles...including the elderly.
Sure, there are certain things a chiropractor can't do with some elderly patients, but there are plenty of treatments we can do. And they are very safe, gentle, and effective.
The U.S. Government has established the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic for the elderly by providing Medicare patients with funding for chiropractic treatment. According to a recent study conducted by the Rand Corporation, elderly chiropractic patients were less likely to use prescription drugs, reported fewer health problems, were more active, and were more likely to engage in social activities. They also experienced fewer hospital and nursing home visits (courtesy of
We incorporate Active Release Techniques (ART), very light chiropractic adjusting using a special drop-table, massage, Cox Flexion/Distraction treatment and exercise, into our treatment protocols for the elderly. The results are outstanding.
So, if you are concerned that chiropractic might be too much for you or your loved one to handle, think twice. Give chiropractic a might just offer you the relief you are looking for.