Common Questions
The first 3 things patients want to know when they visit a chiropractor are:
- Can you help me?
- How long is it going to take?
- What's it going to cost?
And, those are the first 3 questions we answer at the Red River Chiropractic Centre. For the most part, we are able to help the overwhelming majority of the patients that seek treatment at our clinic.
How long it takes depends on the nature and severity of the problem. Is it one spinal area or more? Are there extremities involved like a shoulder or wrist? Is the condition brand new or chronic? The longer a problem has been around, the longer it takes to treat. The body gets used to the abnormal position of the spine. The muscles, ligaments, and tendons that support the spine need to be taught to work with the spine in the position we are moving it towards (a more normal alignment).
What I just described is called chiropractic spinal correction and it takes time...20-40 sessions, sometimes more, depending on your age, level of spinal degeneration, areas of involvement.
And then there is chiropractic relief care, which is treatment to get rid of specific symptoms or a chief complaint such as low back pain, neck pain, knee pain... or combinations of pain. The more areas of involvement, and the more acute the pain, the more extensive the relief care needs to be. But generally speaking, relief care is 6-12 visits here.
I should point out that relief care is built into corrective care. It is always our primary objective to get the symptoms under control...then we work on correcting the posture and alignment with spinal adjustments, exercises, Active Release Techniques (ART), traction, and education.
After we either reach maximum correction with corrective care or achieve our objective with relief care, we consider maintenance care or prescribed when needed care (self prescribed or PRN).
Maintenance care is good because you come in a pre-set intervals....say every 2 weeks or once per month which helps to either maintain correction or prevent relapse.
Prescribed when needed care is when you come in whenever you feel the need.
Either way is fine with us. In fact, however you wish to utilize our services is fine with us and we will do our best to help you make an informed decision. If we think you need correction we will tell you. And if we think you just need a few adjustments we will tell you. But in the end, it's up to you to decide...and you can always change your mind.
Every day we have patients that decide they like the way they feel from the relief care they are getting and they want to continue on with correction. And sometimes we feel a patient has reached correction before the recommended visits have been reached and we decide to go to PRN early...all cases are different.
So anyway, how many chiropractic visits you need depends on the nature and severity of your condition and the type of outcome you wish to achieve. Whether it's relief care or corrective care, Red River Chiropractic is sure to make it a smooth ride. Back to top
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is an approach to health care that relies on the body's inherent and natural recuperative powers -- a healing science that places emphasis on maintaining the structural integrity of the body -- a method of healing treatment that is conservative and that does not use drugs or surgery.
The explanation of chiropractic care as putting bones back into place to remove nerve interference is no longer valid or acceptable. The description of chiropractic care is now one of: correcting mechanical dysfunction in the joints (joint restriction/dysfunction) and soft tissues (myofascial adhesions and scar tissue) with joint manipulation (adjustments) and soft tissue therapy (trigger points, massage, myofascial release), giving rehabilitative exercises (stretches, strength, endurance, balance), to assist with injury recovery and prevent recurrence of injuries and symptoms.
Chiropractors educate patients with regard to the nature of their injury, posture, ergonomics, exercise, lifestyle, prevention, the use of ice & heat, nutritional consultation, etc. Chiropractors work with other health professionals and refer to doctors/specialists, or on to other health care providers when appropriate.
Chiropractic is the second largest primary health care provider segments in the United States. The chiropractic approach to human health is based on the premise that the relationship between structure and function in the human body is a significant health factor and that relationships between the spinal column and the nervous system contribute to the disease process. Back to top
What is your opinion on monthly Chiropractic adjustments?
As we mentioned previously, our primary objective when you come to our clinic is to resolve your health concerns and have you reach a state of optimum health.
The frequency of your adjustments is entirely dependant upon your individual needs. As you learn to 'read' and understand your body's requirements, you will find that you can identify when you need to come in for an adjustment.
Symptoms such as restricted range of motion, headaches, high stress, and muscle/joint pain that does not resolve with exercise are all good clues and indicators that your sympathetic system is over-stressed and needs relief.
Many of our patients choose to receive regular monthly Chiropractic adjustments because of the improvements they experience in form and function.
Many of our patients are continually stressing their body to the maximum. Many of these individuals have indicated that regular Chiropractic care has been a major factor in their ability to cope with the daily stresses of their life.
Other patients come in when they feel the need for care. A common comment from patients after a treatment include, "I forgot what normal range of motion felt like" or " I didn't realize how restricted I was".
Chiropractic, besides being very effective at treating a wide range of conditions, is also a proactive treatment method as it helps to improve your overall health (as all the scientific evidence demonstrates).
The immediate goal will be symptomatic relief. As this is achieved, the goal will transition to functional restoration (bring flexibility and strength back to normal). Back to top
Once I start seeing a chiropractor, do I need to go all the time?
Absolutely not. We are here to help the patient with their current complaint, and to educate them on how to prevent it from reoccurring. Some conditions, such as repetitive motion injuries, or fibromyalgia for instance, need more constant care, others may take as little as 2-3 visits. Every patient is unique, and we will recommend the treatment schedule that is appropriate for a specific condition.
You only have to continue going to the chiropractor as long as you wish to maintain the health of your neuromusculoskeletal system. Going to a chiropractor is much like going to the dentist, exercising at a gym, or eating a healthy diet: As long as you keep it up, you continue to enjoy the benefits.
Many years ago, dentists convinced everyone that the best time to go to the dentist is before your teeth hurt, that routine dental care will help your teeth remain healthy for a long time. The same is true of chiropractic care for your spine. It is important to remember that, just like your teeth, your spine experiences normal wear and tear as you walk, drive, sit, lift, sleep, and bend.
Routine chiropractic care can help you feel better, move with more freedom, and stay healthier throughout your lifetime. Although you can enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care even if you receive care for a short time, the real benefits come into play when you make chiropractic care a part of your wellness lifestyle. Back to top
What do adjustments feel like?
After the brief thrust, many patients report a sense of well-being or a feeling of calmness. Others feel improved mobility. Inflammation or muscle spasms may delay these positive effects. Chiropractic doctors excel at making adjustments comfortable and effective.
Being a hands-on, skill dependent form of treatment, a person's chiropractic experience can differ from doctor to doctor. Some techniques are firm in nature while others are low force. Patients typically associate with a practitioner whose approach appeals to them the most.
What causes low back pain?
Eight out of ten Canadians will experience back pain at one point in their lives. It's a serious health problem that often goes untreated. One of the reasons back pain is so common is that it can be caused by so many different things.
- work-related injuries
- sports injuries
- poor posture
- stress
- car accidents
- improper lifting
Any of these things can cause your spine to shift from its normal position or affect your range of motion. This puts pressure on the joints, muscles and nerves in that area and is what causes most back pain.
Back problem warning signs:
- Leg pain with numbness, tingling and/or weakness
- Back or leg pain with coughing or sneezing
- Difficulty standing up after sitting for any period of time
- Stiffness in the morning
- Pain in hip, buttock, thigh, knee or foot
- Inability to turn or bend to each side equally
- Unbalanced posture (e.g. one shoulder higher than the other) Back to top
What are the stages of inflammation injury?
The soft tissue changes that occur following an injury are:
- Inflammation which occurs in the first 24-72 hours
- Stringy muscle lesion (2 days-2 weeks)
- Scar tissue and palpable adhesions (2 weeks-3 months)
- Weak muscle and degenerative soft tissue changes that occur slowly and are more chronic (3 months and beyond). The time frame and level of care is determined by the tissue damage. Back to top